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Tackle Box
Upcoming events and details, scroll down!
BASS Team End of Year Social
To avoid graduation parties we have moved our BASS Team End of Year social up to May 22nd
Tentative Schedule includes:
Clearbrook Park Kiwanis II Shelter
Sunday May 22nd
Arrive at 2:00
We will provide desserts. To keep it simple we will not provide a meal this year. Bring your drink of choice.
2:15 > We will recognize angler accomplishments for this season, boat captains, & departing Seniors. Close with new season plans!
Following the season recap folks can fish the lake, hang out & tell lies, eat more dessert, or head to the house for a nap!
6 Man Tournament
June 18th 6 Man Tourney out of Occoneechee on Buggs Island/Kerr. We currently have 2 teams interested Griffin/Anderson & McDonald/B. Tavenner.
Looking for one more team to complete the 6 Man. More information coming if interested.
We would need a total of 3 boats/6 anglers (any combination of age) to enter this. Let me know if you are interested.
Veteran's Tournament
Save the Date: Saturday October 1st Combat Veteran Fishing Tournament out of Front Royal Golf Club on the Shenandoah River.
We will be looking for Frederick County BASS volunteers to help with parking, prizes, talking with the veterans, etc. We may also need Boat Captains to take one or two veterans out. Feel free to extend the flyer invite to combat veterans you may know that might be interested.
Click here for the FLYER!!
Shenandoah Valley Bass Association Open Benefit Tournament
Saturday June 4 is a Shenandoah Valley Bass Association Open Benefit tournament out of Egypt Bend. Will pass on details if interested.
Youth Club Advisors...
Tried this before but we are going to implement YOUTH Club Advisors going into next season. I will provide a framework but returning anglers let me know if you would be interested in being an club officer!